Solutions Open Mic & Happy Hour

Do you have a creative solution to one of Philadelphia’s challenges? Do you have a challenge in need of a solution? Civic Series is partnering with the Philadelphia Citizen to give you the mic for 3 minutes to pitch your idea to our community of doers, disruptors, and members. Last month, we heard ideas around litter, food recovery, minority access and […]

Russia & the U.S.: It’s Complicated

Indy Hall 399 Market St #360 (Colonial Penn building), Philadelphia, PA, United States

Russia is a major world power that the U.S. government tries to cooperate with, but lately the relationship has gotten, well, complicated. Russian President Vladimir Putin’s administration invaded Crimea (a penninsula in neighboring Ukraine) in 2014, meddled in the 2016 U.S. elections by spreading fake news through social media, and currently supplies weapons to Syria's president Bashar al-Assad, whom the […]

What’s the Deal with North Korea?

Indy Hall 399 Market St #360, Philadelphia, PA, United States

North Korea is confusing. It's a communist country that pretty much keeps its windows shut to the rest of the world. Citizens don't have basic rights like freedom of speech (earning it one of the top spots on Human Rights Watch's list of most repressive countries). Their eccentric leader, Kim Jong Un, has a funny haircut and loves Dennis Rodman. Oh, and they occasionally threaten war on the […]

Breaking Through Gridlock: How to have difficult conversations in a polarized country

Indy Hall Co-Working Space 399 Market Street (Colonial Penn Building)Third floor, suite #360, Philadelphia, PA, United States

Think about the last time you tried to talk with someone about politics or social issues who didn’t already agree with you. How well did it go? It’s getting harder and harder for us to have productive conversations about social issues that matter the most to us, which is widening the gap between Americans and ruining Thanksgiving dinners.  (Unfortunately, Adele can’t fix everything.) Civic Series is […]

WTF? We’re in a Trade War?

Indy Hall 399 Market Street#360, Philadelphia, PA, United States

Turn on the news and you'll likely see a headline warning about the consequences of a trade war. But what exactly is a trade war and how does it get fought? Who wins? Who loses? And who the heck are we fighting? If you have similar questions, Professor Alexandra Guisinger has your answers. Literally, she wrote the book on it, […]

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